Friday, October 11, 2013

Change or remove the Central Administration Web site port number in SharePoint

During the SharePoint Foundation Installation, the Central Administration Web application is established on a PORT that you have assigned or randomly assigned port if you don’t select.

You can change this Web site port number or delete the port number complete from Central Administration Web application Server.

Follow the steps if you want to change the port number 80, means when you launch you Web application you no need to specify the port number for ex:-

1. Open “SharePoint 2013 Management Shell” as Administrator

2. Run below command

PS C:\Users\svc-sharepoint> stsadm -o setadminport -port 80

You should receive the message “Operation completed successfully”

3. Reset IIS using below command

C :\> iisreset

4. Now you should be able to launch your Central Administration Web application without port number i.e http://Application_Server_Name

Satishbabu Gunukula

Remove SharePoint Central Administration Web Application

If you deleting a Application server or Central Administration Web application from Server Farm in SharePoint 2013 follow the below simple steps.

Removing the Central Admin Web application  is very similar as Configure SharePoint Central Administration Web Application

1. Start “SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard”  on the server where you want to Delete the Central Administration

Select the option
·         Do not disconnect from this server farm – Choose this option, If you want to delete only Central Administration Web application from server farm
·         Disconnect from this server farm- Choose this option, if you want to disconnect this server from farm

2.  Select “Yes, I want to remove the web site from this machine” , Click Next

3.  In this screen you should be able to see the Database Server Configuration Settings, Click Next

4. It will remove the Central Administration information from registry and also removes the web application .You should see “Configuration Successful” message once the configuration Wizard removed the Central Administration Web application, click Finish.

Satishbabu Gunukula